Everything We Need
I don’t know about you, but August feels more like the start of a new year than January 1st.
I’m full of conflicting emotions as we launch into this new year. There is fresh excitement for everything we’re planning to accomplish (brand new songs and music coming soon, by the way). But I’m also starting our new ministry year feeling overwhelmed by my desires.
After a whirlwind summer, I finally had time to sit down and think through what I would like to see happen in this new year.
Though there are many projects I’m eager to tackle, my main desire is to draw nearer to God. I want greater fear of the Lord, a soft heart, a deeper conviction, and a desire to obey and trust Him. I want to live with a greater awareness of God and the Gospel. I want more of the living that happens when someone truly believes the Gospel. I also want to more diligently love and disciple my family and the people that God has in my life. I want to pray more. I want to die to myself more. I want to serve those around me in ways I know I’ve neglected.
I believe that thoughts and desires like this are good and evidence of God at work in me, but these big desires can also cause my heart to sink in discouragement and overwhelm.
One verse that buoys my heart is 2 Peter 1:3
“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence”
This verse reminds me I have so much more than my puny little non-power. I have divine power. As I seek the Lord, He is empowering me to live into the glorious desires He has placed in my heart.
I thought I’d share this with you in case you, too, feel your limitations amid burning glorious desires.
On our own, we have very little power, even over ourselves. But God is for us; He is with us and empowering us. Let’s just keep looking to Him. Let’s keep growing in the knowledge of Him, who has called us to pursue the goal of joining Him in His glory and excellence.
He is joyfully giving us everything we need.