In The Lord I Take Refuge
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For a while now, one of my daily disciplines in the Word is to start by reading and praying through a Psalm. It helps focus my mind and heart on who God is as I open the Word, gives me fresh language for prayer, and often meets me right in the middle of an emotion or circumstance I’m walking through. This devotion book by Dane Ortlund includes a short devotion to each Psalm. Every devotion is beautiful, and they help me:
Better understand the context of each Psalm,
Apply God’s Words to my life in intimate ways
See Christ as the full display of God’s heart and fulfillment of each prayer
I recently shared a video devotion featuring this book over on instagram
Exerpt from the book
““But I am poor and needy; hasten to me O God!
You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay!””
There are two and only two, basic approaches to life. We can attempt to handle life’s adversities either though self-resourced deliverance or through looking outside ourselves for deliverance. We can look in or we can look out…
Consider your own life. On what do you rely, moment by moment? True communion with God is the lifelong process of growing more and more deeply in dependence upon God: leaning on him, trusting in him, counting on him. But to get there, you must see yourself the way David sees himself: "I am poor and needy" (v. 5). To the degree that you feel yourself sufficient and competent, to that degree you will not cry out to God. To the degree that you feel yourself weak and inadequate, to that degree you will call out for his help and deliverance- -a prayer his heart delights to answer.
- Dane Ortlund