Pleasant Places
I felt incredibly celebrated this past Father’s Day. Since I like making videos, my kids (with mom’s help) gave me a “video card” this past Sunday. It pretty much made my life.
This past Father’s Day had me thinking about what my kids truly need and want from me.
They want access to me. They want my attention. They want my affection. They want my care. They want my love.
I can give them gifts, vacations, support, guidance, and encouragement - all of these are good things that I delight in giving. But at the end of the day, what my kids want and need most from me is me.
I’ve been meditating on Psalm 16 for several weeks, and verses five and six have been my focus this past week.
“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant place;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”
There are many good things in my life. I can often reflect on my life and feel that the lines have fallen for me in “pleasant places.” I’m grateful for the many good gifts God has given to me.
But even if I was stripped of the good gifts given to me, I forever dwell in pleasant places because the Lord is my chosen cup and portion.
Not everyone can say this.
Matthew 5:45 reminds us that the Lord gives good gifts to the evil and the good, the just and the unjust.
But 1 John 3:1 reminds us that those who have chosen the Lord as their portion receive a special kind of love from Him. We are children of God!
Every person benefits from the fact that God is good and loving. His giving heart will not be hindered by our refusal of Him.
But while all have His gifts, only His children have Him.
The Lord Himself is our portion. God is offering all of Himself to us, and He longs for us to take Him up on the offer.
As the children of God, we can confidently echo Psalm 16 and marvel at the truth that the Lord is our portion, and the lines have forever fallen for us in pleasant places.